
Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

According to Arthritis Foundation, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system – which normally protects its health by attacking foreign substances like bacteria and viruses – mistakenly attacks the joints. This creates inflammation that causes the tissue that lines the inside of joints (the synovium) to thicken, resulting in swelling and pain in and around the joints. The synovium makes a fluid that lubricates joints and helps them move smoothly.

If inflammation goes unchecked, it can damage cartilage, the elastic tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint, as well as the bones themselves. Over time, there is loss of cartilage, and the joint spacing between bones can become smaller. Joints can become loose, unstable, painful and lose their mobility. Joint deformity also can occur. Joint damage cannot be reversed, and because it can occur early, doctors recommend early diagnosis and aggressive treatment to control RA.

Rheumatoid arthritis most commonly affects the joints of the hands, feet, wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. The joint effect is usually symmetrical. That means if one knee or hand if affected, usually the other one is, too. Because RA also can affect body systems, such as the cardiovascular or respiratory systems, it is called a systemic disease. Systemic means “entire body.”

In the early stages, people with RA may not initially see redness or swelling in the joints, but they may experience tenderness and pain.

rheumathoide arthritis symptoms

These following joint symptoms are clues to RA:

  • Joint pain, tenderness, swelling or stiffness for six weeks or longer
  • Morning stiffness for 30 minutes or longer
  • More than one joint is affected
  • Small joints (wrists, certain joints of the hands and feet) are affected
  • The same joints on both sides of the body are affected

Along with pain, many people experience fatigue, loss of appetite and a low-grade fever.

The symptoms and effects of RA may come and go. A period of high disease activity (increases in inflammation and other symptoms) is called a flare. A flare can last for days or months.

Ongoing high levels of inflammation can cause problems throughout the body. Here of some ways RA can affect organs and body systems:

  • Eyes. Dryness, pain, redness, sensitivity to light and impaired vision
  • Mouth. Dryness and gum irritation or infection
  • Skin. Rheumatoid nodules – small lumps under the skin over bony areas
  • Lungs. Inflammation and scarring that can lead to shortness of breath
  • Blood Vessels. Inflammation of blood vessels that can lead to damage in the nerves, skin and other organs
  • Blood. Anemia, a lower than normal number of red blood cells

A person with Rheumatoid Arthritis will eventually need a caregiver’s assistance. Feel free to visit us or download our app to find caregivers that can help you and/or your family.

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